- Artist of the Week at public-republic.de
Photo publications:
- dozens of pictures in the book for the legendary Molotow club celebrating 20 years by Sebastian Meißner
- picture in cd booklet of Kettcar – Fliegende Bauten (live)
- Concert pictures in daily newspapers like Die Welt or Hamburger Morgenpost, Germany
- Concert pictures in magazines like Gala or Szene Hamburg, Germany
- Sport pictures in daily newspaper in Rio Gallegos, Argentina
- Dokumentary of election campaign of politician Gustavo Risolia in Rio Gallegos, Argentina
- Friends & Wines, Argentina
- Le Cave, Argentina
- Dutch magazine Rock ‘n’ Roll Highschool
- deltaradio.de
- concert-news.de
- popfrontal.de
- gaesteliste.de
- festivalphoto.net and more